Friday, December 30, 2011

Family History

A friend recently reminded me of a quote that made me think I had better get on the ball with this. "He who feels no pride in his ancestors is unworthy to be remembered by his descendants" -- Mj. David French Boyd. I thought this was a pretty powerful statement.

I decided to start a new hobby. I have started researching family history. I have alway been curious who my ancestors were, where they came from, how they lived and how they migrated to what I call home.  Much of the research for my ancestors has been done by other family members, which gives me a nice head start.  There are still many more people to discover. I am realizing how fun and interesting this can be as I learn different ways of finding people. The internet makes information so readily available and new information is constantly being added. This road to discovering people is very interesting.

I am still a novice at this but I am excited to learn new avenues of information, and I am excited to learn about these people of the past.

1 comment:

  1. The more you learn, the more human they will become to you for you will come to known them.I am glad your enjoying all that you have been learning and researching EVEN through the frustrations. :) Lets keep it up :) !!!!
